Any Luck?

... she asked, returning with her kids as I was packing up after a couple or 3 hours cleaning the soot off the heat exchanger of her Ideal Excrement boiler, resoldering the wires to the overheat thermostat where the heat blasting up outside the blocked heat-exchanger had melted the solder and cut out the thermocouple (mercifully locking out the boiler - which is why they had called me out) then smoke-bomb and spillage-testing it as I put it back together and fired it up (with the FGA measuring ambient CO levels next to it as I did so) and fitting a CO alarm to hopefully clue them in to problems if they manage to leave it unmaintained for long enough for it to soot up again.

"Luck?" I says, "yes, dahlin'[1] you could say so. Like: you're lucky to be alive. And even luckier your kids are, given that they're more susceptible to Carbon Monoxide, which your boiler must've been chucking out like it was going out of fashion."

1 The salutation recommended by the Charterted Institute of Rogue Plumbers in their Customer Relations training manual "Appropriate forms of address for female menbers of the public what are fit. And MILF"

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog. Makes we wonder what horrors lurk under my floorboards.

    Could have done without the shot of your arse though.
